Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ready for GOOGLE Madness in SAN DIEGO!

Let the EDTECH festivities begin!

I am so excited to announce that I have been selected to present not one BUT 3 sessions at the EdTech Summit Featuring GAFE in San Diego this October!  I can not believe it! This is a goal I have always wanted to be a presenter at a conference.  I remember attending sessions at CUE and telling my colleagues that I wanted to be a presenter.  I know it sounds silly, but I wanted and still do want to help people with technology.  Even if in my sessions, participants walk away with one thing that they could do differently that itself is worth it!  I just can not believe that it is happening and I am over the moon.  These next weeks will be intense and busy as I juggle work, home, EdTech, and Google!! I know it will be worth it and I am extremely happy to start this new journey! For those of you that are wondering what in the world I am talking about you need to visit and attend a GAFE (Google Apps For Education) summit hosted by EdTech; it is LIFE changing! Don't worry it is not a cult but you will become a #googlegroupie! You are exposed to new things to enhance your skills as an educator, so it is more like a backstage pass to all things techie! Wish me luck and I can not wait to post about my experience as an attendee and as a presenter.

Temecula Valley Summit

November 21 and 22, 2015


San Diego Summit

October 17 and 18, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

  These are the 4 Sisters of Google Drive. They are the skillful siblings that can help us navigate, organize, and simplify our Drive.  I consider them sisters because as I have heard Google is considered to be a female since Google knows everything, therefore I consider these icons to uphold that ideal...LOL!  These icons are located to the right top corner of your screen under your profile picture.  These ladies can help you find a document to viewing details of a collaborative task.  Their talents are (in order from left to right):

1. List/Grid View:

As the first born, she is very practical and likes to keep everything in order.  She can change how you look at Drive from listing folders in order of how you last accessed them to showing you pictures/icons instead.  
   * In Grid View if you have a free floating document, PDF, or a file not sorted into a folder it will appear as a picture with its file name under it.

2. Sort Options:

This sister is the most helpful as second borns usually are (my opinion of course).  She will sort your files or folders 4 ways for you! Once selected you can choose from:
  • Name- It will sort everything alphabetically.
  • Last Modified- This option is tricky because if any file or folder is shared with you once selected it arrange everything that was last modified by either you or any collaborators.
  • Last Modified By Me- It does exactly what it means.  Any file or folder that you have modified will be arranged that way.
  • Last Opened By Me- I LOVE this option! I have a tendency to work on certain files then close them down and forget what folder I have saved them in! So this helps me so much! This will arrange all files and folders in order that you last accessed them NOT by when you modified them.

3. View Details

She is the most up to date sister you could use.  I consider her to be the know-it-all!  Sometimes she can be a pest and if that is the case just click the X on the top right under the icon and she will go away.  She will tell you in real time when files and folders have been accessed or modified and by whom.  

4. Settings

Last but not least the baby of them all! This sister sort of takes the back seat since her older sisters have already done the heavy lifting.  Don't get me wrong she is essential and provides additional help with the following 4 options:
  1. Settings:  In this option, you can view your storage on drive, converted uploads, change the language, and offline capabilities (which you should have SYNCed because it is a necessity). 
  2. Download Drive: If selected will take you to google web page informing you that you can download Drive on any mobile device, computer, or laptop...which is a great idea! Hint, Hint! I have linked it if you would like to view it. 
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts: THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS SISTER! I will have a blog post soon regarding keyboard shortcuts and how they can save your life. WELL, they can make you a bit more productive and less trackpad/mouse dependent. A black popup window will appear with shortcuts related to DRIVE! Super helpful! 
  4. Help: Still lost or not sure about something? Select help from her drop-down menu and a small window will appear for you to type in what you need help with.  It will list the closest response it can based on what you have entered OR you can view the most popular Help topics first.

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

Big Time!

San Diego Summit

Temecula Valley Summit

I am ready to play with the BIG kids!

 I have just submitted my application to be a presenter at TWO EdTech Summits (one in San Diego-my OLD hometown and in Temecula-my NEW hometown).  
Fingers crossed!!  I think I am more excited to meet others like myself than I am to present! I love networking and hearing other great ideas, tips, and tricks! I have always had a passion for teaching and my students, but technology is the NEW love of my life.  I am amazed by what others do and what I can do to lift the level of engagement in my classroom.  So hats off to those who had to use the "old" technology like overhead projectors and still made the classroom inviting and engaging! I hope I make those teachers proud! What am I working on today? Trying not to feel that I am behind in my classroom duties and get caught up with my classroom work.  In addition updating my website both classroom and professional one.  Thank goodness tomorrow is Labor Day so I can burn the midnight oil and sleep tomorrow if needed.  Stay tuned for some updates and changes!

 Register Today!

Interested in attending or hosting a GAFE summit? Visit their website at  the experience is life changing! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Conduit and Bacon

BRING IT ON, DAY 2! #gafesummit

"Conduit" that is the word I hear today from Tracy Purdy. It was the word that stuck with me. It made me realize that I am the channel of information, adventure, passion, and knowledge to help others learn. To create Lead Learners within my classroom and instill that in my colleagues.  I learn that Google sheets can be better than BACON or just as good. As Dan said you have to "render the fat", cook the bacon at low heat for 13 minutes or so.  What does that mean to me? That not only is he skilled at making bacon, but that is the recipe to implementing technology in your classroom and to becoming a lead learner.  To understand technology, you need to do exactly that. Not all tools, extension, and apps will best fit your students' needs and should probably disintegrate while cooking (fat). IF it doesn't work for your kids then get rid of it. Maybe as you become a better Lead Learner, that tool will become part of your toolkit for the future. Everything that you ingrate needs cook time and you may burn it if you are not being mindful of the task at hand.  DEEP...I know but if it doesn't work don't give up try it a different way and add it to your "resume of failure" (stolen from James Sanders). WHY? because you never know when that tool and that student (YOU) may finally click. Finally, know that everything EVEN bacon takes does become a Lead Learner and being a conduit! Smell that? I do too! 
Stolen from Molly

Saturday, August 1, 2015

GAFE: Health Restored!

I'm BACK! :) 
So I  know that it has been awhile since I have written but I PROMISE that I will be better :). Since my last blog post, I have:

  • Done 3-4 staff trainings (sort of lost count, not to mention the tons of 1:1 help)
  • Complete 4 DISTRICT trainings 
  • Have attended 2 GAFE related events (including this summit)
  • Created Lead Learners within my classroom and colleagues
  • Currently attempting to gain my Google Educator Trainer Certification
  • Meeting with our Director of Technology next week to discuss our "Google" plan for the year!
AND school starts in 2 weeks!

Living in the world of Google-ly goodness can be very tricky because you are never want more! Luckily, you will learn something new every time; a new trick, apps, extension (GOOGLE TONE...thank you EdTech Ari for showing this amazing tool), or have a brain bomb with the endless possibilities of YouTube and Google Classroom.  Visit Tracy Purdy's Website for great tips on using was fantastic and extremely informative.  I am excited about what I can bring back to my classroom and school site! To try new things and to continue to support others in the way of GAFE.

I am always so impressed by EdTech Team.  They are so willing to help even in the middle of their presentation for those lost tech souls, are approachable and follow you back on twitter (can you hear my squeal of delight!), and extremely friendly even when they are stalked by me for a photo-op (view them on twitter: @apajaimes). Do they not know that they are Tech Celebrities? I can now relate to those girls that cry when they meet their favorite celebrities. LOL I didn't cry but the geek inside be screamed with joy to meet them all! Anyhow, they are very gracious and when I grow up I want to be like them!  Hey EdTech, if you are hiring let me know! 

I am in the process of revamping my blog for the 10x time but I am working on How-to Videos for my staff and now with gained knowledge creating playlists of great informative videos about this Google train of awesomeness! 

Time for DEMO SLAM, DINNER, REST, SLEEP, and more Google stalking...I mean learning! Bring on DAY 2!

Here is a great PicFlow of my @breakoutedu session with James Sanders! Thank you Natalie for the great pictures!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Staff Training!

Since coming back from the GAFE summit in Las Vegas, I have tried to use some type of tech every day! In addition, I have had my students dive right on in with me. I knew that my colleague and I would need to show the staff what we have learned at the GAFE summit.  So we sent out a form collected our data and sorted our staff into two groups (beginners and proficient users).  I instructed the beginners which I was hesitant for I did not want to overwhelm them but show them the way of GAFE...LOL. The feedback that I got from my colleagues was positive and I didn't overwhelm them as much as I thought I would.  The BEST highlight was having them find a Google doc that I shared with them and having them all day and explaining/showing what REAL time collaboration looked like! MINDBLOWING! It was so much fun.  I truly enjoyed helping, providing tips to ease our workload as teachers, and showing them ways to incorporate technology into their instruction.  I had a PERMA-GRIN the entire presentation.  My principal sat in both our trainings and was so pleased with us that she asked for us to do another set in two weeks! I LOVE THIS! I can't wait. In fact, I am looking to see if there is another GAFE training I can go to during spring break or in the next several weeks. I use my Uncle Sam money to fund this! LOL On a side note, just figured out how to schedule a text message to be sent from my phone.  That is right! A scheduled message as a reminder to someone else. For example, in my house we have Arrowhead water delivered once a month.  So I scheduled a text to be sent to my mom tomorrow morning to remind her to take out the empty bottles.  I know #firstworldproblems! I am on cloud 9 and I hope I can get some sleep tonight! What a great day! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015


When my nephews get excited about something, they get crazy! They all talk at once, yell, run back and forth, and have this weird laugh.  This laugh borders the sanity level. It is an evil villain laugh mixed with a hiccup.  Seriously it is weird yet it runs in the family. 
 So prior to leaving for Las Vegas to the GAFE Summit, my principal informed myself and my teaching partner that upon our return if we could SHARE what we learned.  OF COURSE! I was excited and nervous at the same time.  Well now it is becoming a staff development of what we learned and we will train some staff in the ways of GAFE. SO in a conversation with my principal, she mentions that we could separate the staff into two groups to ease the load of such a large group.  In the midst of our conversation, that weird evil villain hiccup laugh came out! I tried to act cool but I just couldn't and we just laughed about it.  MORTIFIED...YES. HILARIOUS...DOUBLE YES! Just blame the nerves and the excitement.  My teaching partner (who is beyond awesome and the greatest friend ever) and I will be sharing what we learned in 2 weeks! In addition, I made my first EVER form with a 'choose your own adventure' enhancement to help gather feedback from the staff on what they know or feel their learning level is with GAFE. Currently I am working on collaborative science projects and using forms with my students on a daily basis.  
We did finish our collaborative math projects which were a BLAST and will continue working on a second batch with videos! WISH ME LUCK!