Sunday, September 6, 2015

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

  These are the 4 Sisters of Google Drive. They are the skillful siblings that can help us navigate, organize, and simplify our Drive.  I consider them sisters because as I have heard Google is considered to be a female since Google knows everything, therefore I consider these icons to uphold that ideal...LOL!  These icons are located to the right top corner of your screen under your profile picture.  These ladies can help you find a document to viewing details of a collaborative task.  Their talents are (in order from left to right):

1. List/Grid View:

As the first born, she is very practical and likes to keep everything in order.  She can change how you look at Drive from listing folders in order of how you last accessed them to showing you pictures/icons instead.  
   * In Grid View if you have a free floating document, PDF, or a file not sorted into a folder it will appear as a picture with its file name under it.

2. Sort Options:

This sister is the most helpful as second borns usually are (my opinion of course).  She will sort your files or folders 4 ways for you! Once selected you can choose from:
  • Name- It will sort everything alphabetically.
  • Last Modified- This option is tricky because if any file or folder is shared with you once selected it arrange everything that was last modified by either you or any collaborators.
  • Last Modified By Me- It does exactly what it means.  Any file or folder that you have modified will be arranged that way.
  • Last Opened By Me- I LOVE this option! I have a tendency to work on certain files then close them down and forget what folder I have saved them in! So this helps me so much! This will arrange all files and folders in order that you last accessed them NOT by when you modified them.

3. View Details

She is the most up to date sister you could use.  I consider her to be the know-it-all!  Sometimes she can be a pest and if that is the case just click the X on the top right under the icon and she will go away.  She will tell you in real time when files and folders have been accessed or modified and by whom.  

4. Settings

Last but not least the baby of them all! This sister sort of takes the back seat since her older sisters have already done the heavy lifting.  Don't get me wrong she is essential and provides additional help with the following 4 options:
  1. Settings:  In this option, you can view your storage on drive, converted uploads, change the language, and offline capabilities (which you should have SYNCed because it is a necessity). 
  2. Download Drive: If selected will take you to google web page informing you that you can download Drive on any mobile device, computer, or laptop...which is a great idea! Hint, Hint! I have linked it if you would like to view it. 
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts: THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS SISTER! I will have a blog post soon regarding keyboard shortcuts and how they can save your life. WELL, they can make you a bit more productive and less trackpad/mouse dependent. A black popup window will appear with shortcuts related to DRIVE! Super helpful! 
  4. Help: Still lost or not sure about something? Select help from her drop-down menu and a small window will appear for you to type in what you need help with.  It will list the closest response it can based on what you have entered OR you can view the most popular Help topics first.

The FOUR Sisters of Google Drive

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